Saturday, May 2, 2009

Inmates are Running the Asylum

Commented On:
Brad Twitty
Kevin Kwan
Tony Gu

This book discussed ways that programmers fail at design. It also went into some of the reasons that current software is set up wrong that causes poor design. This includes having the wrong people do the designing. He then went on to discuss ways and techniques that can be used to create better design in software.

This was my favorite book we read. This is probably due to the fact that it was all of the design concepts we read but applied to software. I wish he would have given some more concrete examples of his design so that I could see patterns, but you only have limited space. I feel that is one of those books that is giving good advice, but if I tried to go out and use it I would mess up and be no better than when I started. I would definatly suggest it be read by all computer scientist.


  1. I would have liked more examples too.

  2. I thought it was a good read as well. I felt more of a connection with this book than most of the others we have read. It is definitely a must ready for all computer scientists as it points out what they have to look forward to in the real work but also how things can be changed for the better.

  3. I thought the book wasn't a bad read, but it came off a little strong to me. Still, I think it wouldn't hurt to have future programmers, managers and designers alike to read this book.

  4. It was also my favorite. It was practical and cynical. I have seen numerous examples of the errors that he brings up while at part time jobs and internships.
