Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fitts's Law

Commented On:
Brad Twitty
J Chris Elgin
Jared Wright

Fitts's Law is a + b * log(1 + D/W). This law is used to describe how long it takes humans to use a device. A is the start up time, b is the movement speed, d is the distance to the target, and w is the width of the target. This law can be used to make your device faster to use.

Fitts's law has been in use for over half a decade. Clearly his law has use and is useful. The law is easy enough to understand and interpret. The key to the law is what you can gain from it. You can either make objects closer or bigger to make things faster. It doesn't matter that there is a logarithmic function in it. Simply the D/W is what matters.


  1. Man. Fitts's Law is so awesome. The only thing more awesome than Fitts's Law is commenting on a required blog post about it.

  2. I don't know how much of this paper you read, but it was written in almost Old English. The Wikipedia page was much better.
