Saturday, May 2, 2009

Human-Centered Design Considered Harmful

Commented On:
Brad Twitty
Jared Wright
Kevin Kwan

Norman talks about how human-centered design is not always the best way to design. He gives examples of times when very common things were not designed with the user in mind and how they have worked out. He talked about how design for function sometimes needs to be done to achieve the early goal of a project. The main point he is trying to make is that if designers get complacent and just accept that things should be done only one way, then it is hurting the design in the end.

As I said above, I really believe the main point of this paper was that there is no end all way to design. If we stick to one way of designing, it can be just as bad if we use poor designs to begin with. I don't think Norman is trying to really say that Human-centered design is harmful at all, just complacency.


  1. I hadn't thought about it in that way. I am glad you pointed out that the thing that causes harm is sticking to one way of designing.

  2. While I agree that he advocates for though instead of blindly following the popular method, I do get the feeling that he is trying to push action centered design to the center stage.
